Since Kentucky is a no-fault state it does not matter if one spouse does not want the divorce. The court is required to enter a decree if only one spouse desires the divorce.
Basic Questions
Can I get an annulment in Kentucky?
The court can annul a marriage in only limited circumstances. The court may not annul a marriage because the parties made a mistake.
Do I really need to hire an attorney?
The only person who can determine if you need an attorney is yourself. However, the outcome of a divorce, whether it is a judgment or settlement can have lasting effects that you may not have considered. An experienced professional can help you see those effects and can take steps necessary to try and prevent them.
What is a divorce going to cost me? Can I afford it?
Divorces are impossible for an attorney to price. Every case is different and will have different issues. Some of the cost of a divorce is attributable to how much the other party wants to fight. Every person needs to evaluate the cost of a divorce. However, the results of a bad judgment or bad settlement can stay with a person for a long time, and in worst-case scenarios for the rest of your life.
What are the grounds for divorce in Kentucky?
Kentucky is a “no-fault” state, which means that a party does not have to show the other party is at fault, such as adultery, to obtain a divorce. The court is required to make a finding that the marriage is irretrievably broken before the court can enter a decree.